Chat Archive 8/31/2020

The text of our Charlie Chan Family Chat for August 31, 2020

The Red Dragon

Secret Agent X-9 (Chapter 9)

Mike n Rachel in DC
scarlet angel w/ red fox

(NOTE: Approximately 30 minutes is missing from the beginning of this Chat dialogue.)

Matt1: One day at a time

Rush: (May)

Mike n Rachel in DC: Glad to hear you made it…sorry about the bumps

hounder: llos like internet mat act up tonight

Rush: Yes!

Rush: can see that has happened already.

hounder: she had a great day followed by 2 days of exhaustion.

Rush: May she have more GOOD days this week!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Amen, Rush

hounder: thank you

Rush: She is so lucky to have you with her.

Louise has joined this room

Matt1: Hello Louise!

Rush: I know it is very tough, but you are doing such a GOOD thing.

Louise: Hello my dear Chan Clan!

Rush: Good evening, Louise!


Mike n Rachel in DC: Hello Louise!

Rush: How are things in your part of the land, Louise?

Louise: We are off to Mexico tonight! My husband (who works there) has offered to give us a background lecture. I politely declined!

hounder: hi louise

Rush: YES!

Louise: Otherwise all is quiet and calm here. Crowds are sparser as the weather cools.

Rush: PERFECT, Louise!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Good, Louise.

hounder: glad things are quiet for you

Rush: If he’s familiar with Mexico City, he can point out some landmarks that we glimpse!

Louise: I like it quet and empty

Rush: Very good!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Virgen de Gualalupe?

Dona has joined this room

Louise: The last time we were in Mexico City was in the 1980s, right after the big earthquake.

Rush: Well, she would be inside.

Rush: Dona!

Matt1: Hello Dona!

Dona: Hello everyone!

Rush: WELCOME and good evening to you!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Good evening, Dona!

Rush: Enjoying the break in the hot weather?

Dona: Yes!

Rush: Me too!

Rush: πŸ™‚

Dona: But it will be back in the 100 by the weekend

Dona: ugh

Rush: 8 minutes to go, everyone!

Matt1: Cued!

Rush: Yes.

Rush: That is true….

Rush: +_+

Mike n Rachel in DC: “but it’s a dry heat?”

Louise: CUED here.

Rush: Our heat has been rather humid this time around.

Mike n Rachel in DC: We are hot and HUMID

Rush: Comes up from the south.

hounder has left this room

Mike n Rachel in DC: Ah…we always imagined CA only had perfect weather…

Godwinshelley2 has joined this room

Matt1: Hello GS!

tenman: Encinitas does! I’mmmoving there someday

Godwinshelley2: Cueing my tape/dvd

Dona: Most of the time it’s very nice.

Mike n Rachel in DC: Hey GS!

Dona: but it can get hot.

HonoluLou has joined this room

HonoluLou: Cued Here.

Matt1: Hello Louuuuuuuuu!


Dona: not normally so humid as it’s been

Rush: ALOHA to you!

Dona: Hi GS

Mike n Rachel in DC: One of my former students is in Santa Clara. Every time we’ve been out there it’s been amazing.

Dona: Hi Lou

Rush: 5 minutes…

Mike n Rachel in DC: Aloha HonoluLou!

Godwinshelley2: I’m cued

HonoluLou: Hi Matt, Rush, M&R, Louise, Dona, Tenman, & GS

Rush: Hello to you too!

tenman: Β‘Hola!

Godwinshelley2: And relieved – husband is watching some taped political comedy – and I really can’t take it right now

Rush: And, GS!

Rush: WELCOME to YOU, too!

Godwinshelley2: Thank you

Louise: Hi Lou, GS, Dona, tenman, and all that I missed while munching my popcorn.

Godwinshelley2: Hello Louise

Rush: Nice to see you on your laptop tonight!

tenman: Β‘Hola Louise!

HonoluLou: Is it buttered popcorn, Louise?

Godwinshelley2: Yes – though will be doing another Indiana run soon

Mike n Rachel in DC: Oooh. Popcorn. *Mike zips to microwave*

Louise: I like to be a good influence, Rachel

Rush: 2 1/2 minutes…

HonoluLou: Is this Sydney’s last film?

Rush: Everyone ready?

Godwinshelley2: yes

Rush: “The Red Dragon”

Rush: 2 minutes…

HonoluLou: Great!

Rush: πŸ™‚

Rush: No.

Rush: “The Trap” is Toler’s last one.

Rush: 90 seconds…

Rush: 75 seconds…

HonoluLou: Dang, I never get it right.

Rush: 60 seconds…

Rush: NOW 60 seconds…

Rush: 50 seconds…

Rush: 40 seconds…

Mike n Rachel in DC: 40 seconds to movie, 1:30 to popcorn

Rush: 30 seconds…

Rush: 25…

Rush: 20…

Rush: YES, M/R!

Rush: 15…

Mike n Rachel in DC: *adjusts helmet*

Rush: 10…

Rush: 5…

Rush: GO!!!


Mike n Rachel in DC: Whee!

Rush: Music…

Rush: Title….

Rush: Credits…

Godwinshelley2: Is this a Wong retread?

Rush: Good GONG, Matt!

Rush: TYSM!

HonoluLou: Ben Fong, cool!

Louise: Willie Best is in the house

Rush: This is now the “official” Chan film opening song…

Mike n Rachel in DC: No BB? Chatanooga in this one?

Godwinshelley2: Is there a name for this tune?

Rush: This will be heard from now to the “Sky Dragon”

Mike n Rachel in DC: Mexico en vivo

Rush: Sights of Mexico City!

HonoluLou: Probably not, a name.

Rush: Louise?

Rush: Is your tour guide noting them yet?

Louise: Many of those building are probably gone because of earthquakes

Rush: Lou, you are probably right.

Rush: it was probably a Monogram stock song.

HonoluLou: I reviewed them all on my last blog and no names.

Rush: YES!

Louise: Our Mexico guide is upstairs , not here

Rush: And that is a REALLY fun trip through some fun music!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Enjoyed the article very much, Lou!

Rush: Everyone who has NOT checked that out, you NEED to treat yourselves!

HonoluLou: Thank you so much, Rush. And to you M&R for the idea!

tenman: where?

hounder has joined this room

Rush: WB, again, Hounder!

Godwinshelley2: checked what out?

Rush: “NEVER give up!”

HonoluLou: tenman, it’:

Rush: Gunshot!

HonoluLou: BANG

Mike n Rachel in DC: o..u..c..h

HonoluLou: Is that an underwood or a remington sperry rand?

tenman: ah! Have that bookmarked somewhere

Rush: BB’s cousin Chattanooga Brown.

Godwinshelley2: Maybe an L.C.Smith

Godwinshelley2: before Smith merged with Corona

HonoluLou: Wasn’t Chat in another film?

Matt1<tin can>

Rush: TYSM, Matt…

Rush: Inspector Carvero.

Louise: It seems to me that the production values in this film are a bit wanting

Rush: It IS a Monogram.

Rush: But we do get some good rear-projected sights!

scarlet angel w/ red fox! has joined this room

Rush: I agree with Chattanooga!

Rush: WELCOME, Angel…and fox!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Welcome ScARF!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Just flew in! Boy are our limbs tired!

Dona: Hi Angel and Red Fox

Rush: red or…REDD?

HonoluLou: Welcom SA&RF

HonoluLou: Did he just talk to Louise?

Louise: ???

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Was SUPPPOSED to be < Angel Dragon & Red Fox w/1″X” > but the login is so…DYNAMIC…we’re glad just to be here. Salutations!! Any dead yet?

hounder has left this room

Rush: Angel….we are at 8:20…

HonoluLou: Charlie called you, “Louise”

HonoluLou: Oh, that’s the policeman πŸ™‚

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Rush, that’

Rush: ONE.

Louise: Damn, I missed that

Mike n Rachel in DC: One honorable cast member summoned to ancestors by tin can.

Rush: 9:00…

Louise: So Mexico City had an 8.1 earthquake in 1985 and the destruction was amazing.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Rush, GOOD CATCH! Yes, “Red Fox w/ 1″D” and 1″X” ” YOu’re right!

Rush: Yes!

Rush: 8.1 is HUGE!

Rush: SLAP!

Mike n Rachel in DC: “Napoleon” found Waterloo

HonoluLou: He said it again, “Louise” haha

Rush: “Red Dragon” ink

Rush: Reference to a case “Four years ago…Honduras.”

Rush: Our poll for September asks your opinion on the “undocumented” cases of Charlie Chan!

Rush: It will go up tonight.

HonoluLou: Very cool, Rush!

Rush: Please cast your votes for our AUGUST POLL before it goes down!

hounder has joined this room

Rush: WB…again….Hounder!

HonoluLou: Mine’s cast, Rush.

Rush: I love your never-give-up attitude!

Rush: Very good, Lou!

Rush: Gathered suspects.

tenman: Where is the poll?

Rush: Scroll down at our “Entrance” page.

HonoluLou: Sydney has some cool shoes on!

Rush: “Countess” Irene.

hounder: if i disappear it’s the internet

Rush: Yes, Hounder!

Louise: defeated Nazis

Rush: You are doing great, Hounder. I love your persistence!

HonoluLou: Oh, don’t leave the city…saw that coming!

Rush: Remington?

tenman: I believe the contemporary opinion of his shoes would be ‘spiffy’!

Mike n Rachel in DC: That always seems difficult to enforce..

HonoluLou: Underwood?

Rush: Yes, lou!

Rush: maybe!

HonoluLou: Why are they wanted at the police bathroom?

Rush: I was looking at the relative length of the name on the front.

HonoluLou: Oh, I see now, laboratory πŸ™‚

Rush: (Sounde of bubbles…)

hounder has left this room

DanVenture has joined this room

HonoluLou: Rush, you may be “write” yuk, yuk.

Rush: DV!

Rush: Good evening to YOU!


Mike n Rachel in DC: Hello DV

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: DV!!!

HonoluLou: Welcome DV

DanVenture: TY Rush. Happy to “see” everyone

Rush: The virtual pleasure is all ours!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: WHAT’s the “TIME”? JUST setting up here, Bluetooth was too blue.

Louise: love his reaction to the gun

Dona: Hi DV

Rush: 17:45

Rush: 17:55

Rush: 18:00

Rush: 18:10

Rush: 18:20

Rush: 18:30

Rush: I think I would have reacted similarly!

Rush: Especially when it discharged!

Rush: 19:10

Rush: Funny line!

Rush: “I am not a fool.”

Rush: “Are you SURE?”

Rush: The Cathedral in the background.

HonoluLou: the ole magnifying glass, love it!

Rush: YES!

HonoluLou: A classic aphorism, “Confucius…”

Mike n Rachel in DC: Charlie is on a roll with the quips

Rush: “Unfortubately, Confucius not here at moment.”

PaulM has joined this room

Dona: Hi Paul

Rush: “Red Dragon” ink.

Rush: Paul!


Louise: All so clever…

HonoluLou: Hi PaulM

Mike n Rachel in DC: Hello Paul!

Rush: How are you this evening?

Rush: “Police always dare to tell truth.”

Louise: Bunch a liars

Rush: Seems so!

Mike n Rachel in DC: pants on fire

Rush: πŸ™‚

PaulM: i was so busy not doing anything that i almost forgot it was monday night

HonoluLou: Czechoslovakia, no more.

Rush: Cue: The Castaways….

Dona: I understand Paul

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: WHAT IS GOOD LINK for our film? I need help!!

Rush: Paul, time has flown by of late!

Rush: Understood!

Godwinshelley2: Glad you are enjoying your time off

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Helllllllllo Paul!

Rush: SLAPP!!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Link?

Rush: “Tagged him out!”

PaulM: i’m at a tribal casino near Syracuse NY right now.

Dona: No clocks in casinos

Rush: Yes, Paul?

Godwinshelley2: That sounds fun

Rush: Any winnings?

Godwinshelley2: Even Charlie bet 50 cents

Rush: Don’t try Lee’s “system”!

Rush: Saw a dust mote drift by.

Mike n Rachel in DC: zzzzzzz

Rush: πŸ™‚

HonoluLou: SA&RF I don’t see any youtube link?

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Can’t find film!!

Mike n Rachel in DC

Mike n Rachel in DC: This link should work, Angel

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Thanks M&R, will try

HonoluLou: Puppy cannot fool old dog.

Rush: TYSM, M/R.

PaulM: the link above the chatroom works fine for me

Mike n Rachel in DC: This is one of the harder to find Chans, I think.

tenman: It kept stalling fo me, so abck to the DVD

Rush: As we get deeper into the Monograms, there will be a few that we will not have online access to.

HonoluLou: This is a pretty good part of this film.

Louise: Paul I am envious

Rush: Yes, lou!

Rush: LOTS of “eyes.”

Mike n Rachel in DC: …and some of Monogram’s better “sinister” music

Rush: (Cough…)

PaulM: Louise: envious that i’m at a casino?

HonoluLou: Haha, there it is.

Louise: Yes, Paul. I have spent a lot of times in casinos studying gambling!

Rush: Well, Paul, it is a sort-of Chan-like place to be!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Solo empleados… pretty crowded down there

Dona: follow the leader

PaulM: i just like playing slots. not into table games.

Rush: Possibilities of a little “intrigue.”

Louise: I love the mindlessness of slots, Paul

Rush: yes, that’s my limit as well.

DanVenture: I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one. WOW! TY!

Rush: Honestly, I have no idea of how to play the “table” games!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Rachel LOVES poker…Mike goes for craps…but we rarely get to a casino

Rush: Wonderful, DV!

PaulM: I even subscribe to SLOTS PLAYER magazine

Louise: My niece taught me how to play roulette

Rush: πŸ™‚

HonoluLou: I once played a penny slot machine in a commode in Reno, NV…true story.

PaulM: actually, its called STRICTLY SLOTS

Rush: I would need her for a teacher, too, Louise!

PaulM: i played a Godzilla slot at the Reno airport and won $7

Mike n Rachel in DC

Louise: I used to read that, too, Paul…for professional reasons of course!

HonoluLou: Godzilla, I thought I’d never hear that name again!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Hm.

Rush: Matt…I think it’s “official.”

Matt1<tin can>

Rush: TYSM, Matt…

Rush: That’s two.

HonoluLou: Tell them once more.

Mike n Rachel in DC: < lata >

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: M&R, THANKS! What’s our ‘TIME’, & HOW MANY TIN CANS THUS FAR?

Louise: I wrote this article about gambling:

Rush: Yes?

Mike n Rachel in DC: 34:00

Rush: Got it, Louise!

Rush: Impressed!

Louise: Better link to the PDF version with images:

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: CC in lab w/ Mexican gumshoe & Dr. Jimmy Durante?

Dona: lol

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: EVERYTHING comes from nowhere.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: I want to lodge in wall. Fox can go fend.

HonoluLou: Cool Louise. Will visit later, thanks for sharing.

Rush: Looks GREAT, Louise!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Bookmarked for future reading!

Louiseβ†’RushLouise: He said “Louise” again! I am in the movie!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Boutros Boutros Ghalli shoulda got into the film game. Coulda danced w/ Countess Irena.

Rush: “My Heart is Yours”….sung by Countess Irena…

HonoluLou: stunning dress. they don’t make em like that anymore.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Don’t count your countesses, they’re down the hatch.

Rush: No they don’t, Lou.

Rush: Angel: πŸ™‚

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: HL: They CAN’T. Howard Hughes patented the bodice.

Dona: really?

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Eva Peron & Hildegarde both had their own shows doing this bit.

HonoluLou: HaHa, Angel.

Rush: Funny you mention Howard Hughes…

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: I don’t allow sublets on my cardiac property.

Rush: The Countess might look slightly “familiar.”

Dona: yes

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: HL: Anytime! Rush: it’s ALWAYS funny when ANYBODY mentions Howard Hughes. Doesn’t everyone agree?

HonoluLou: Hmmm, OK Rush. Another Chan film (of course)

Louise: How can people lie so much???

Rush: Jane Russell.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: This scene HAS to be a parody of the palace door scene from The Wizard of whatever.

HonoluLou: Rush?


Rush: NEVER wait!

Louise: Too late!!!

HonoluLou: Darn the luck!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Not no way! nOT NOHOW!! Nobody gets to see the great & powerful countess!

Rush: Matt?

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: *But i have a broomstick*

Mike n Rachel in DC: Hm. Tin shortage in Mexico?

Matt1: Ugh

Matt1: Yes

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: As long as they don’t put a broomstick up any noses, i think the company will acquiesce.

Rush: We even have the coroner…

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Light bulbs weren’t so perfected back then, or back there.

Rush: Number three…

Louise: Everybody has an excuse

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Louise: Some even have them on paper!

Rush: Yes.

Mike n Rachel in DC: She actually signed her name “Countess Irene?”

Rush: Her stage name.

tenman: Stage people SMH

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Grover Cleveland was nonconsecutive. I’m not saying he DID, but he COULD have pulled something while he was out, couldn’t he?

Rush: Yes, Angel…he COULD have….

Rush: “Hens sit often, but they lay eggs.”

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Rush, was this a “real” interior? Was that an actually-traveling elevator? Or a Potemkin elevator?

HonoluLou: Haha, Chattanooga looked.

Rush: A real interior…at Monogram Studios.

Mike n Rachel in DC: Hao obtained ink?

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: I’m writing this down about that Cleveland fellow. Gonna go to Records Division. M.O. Department.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Everybody check your pockets.


Rush: Too late!

HonoluLou: Pretty cool device!

Rush: By now, CC knows that he will get no truth from them!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Chan family tree resemble a Barsotti sketch.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: The word “same” is fraught in Chan’s utterances, totally fraught.


scarlet angel w/ red fox!: RUSH!!!!     

Rush: Here we go…night club hopping….

HonoluLou: hahaha. Nice!

Mike n Rachel in DC: lol

Mike n Rachel in DC: Mexican night clubs filled with gringos…

HonoluLou: La Cantina Grande!

Rush: Indeed!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Tourism is flourishing!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: ANY film is improved by shots of neon lights, especially at angles. Many “movies” become “films” by the fortunate inclusion of same.

Rush: Now TOMMY gets his chance to rumba.

HonoluLou: Charlie is gonna cut a rug!

Rush: Well…Pop first!

Mike n Rachel in DC: yikes

Louise: He always dance so well

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Rush: This film post-war? I can’t help noticing the double-breasted (materials-“wasteful”) men’s jackets.

Mike n Rachel in DC: age before beauty?

Rush: Nice shoes!

Rush: Yes….post-war…JUST!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: MnR: Only alphabetically.

HonoluLou: There beauties, Rush!

Rush: Production late september 1945.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Glad we put the praxis to the Axis in time for this flick to benefit fully from OPA relaxations.

Rush: Yes, Lou!

Godwinshelley2: What was Mantan doing that he missed this film?

Rush: We could look it up, GS!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Song is STUCK IN MY HEAD. Can’t recall title. Anybody?

Louise: Mantan making other films perhaps?

Rush: Mike and Rachel might be of more hwelp than I regarding the song just heard!

Rush: (help)

Rush: Tommy means “business”!

HonoluLou: Angel “The Charlie Chan Rhumba”?

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Louise: i wondered that TOO! I need my weekly MM or i start feeling weakly!

Rush: Tommy!

Louise: I just found a Mantan movie in my collection.

Rush: And, he’s got a girlfriend back home as we shall learn later!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: HL: I JUST remembered: “Poor Unfortunate Lover” is how i know the song. Is this an “especiality” for the film?

Godwinshelley2: Louise – was it one of the Zombie movies?

HonoluLou: Louise – King of the Zombies?

Rush: Probably not written for this film, Angel.

Louise: No, let me go get it

Rush: Not on a Monogram budget.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Louise: This winter might be well invested in a Mantanathon in my new home; i could Unbox moved-stuff while snow drifts outside.

Rush: Although “My Heaert is Yours” was, as I understand, written for this movie.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Rush: No, the tune (or one like it) was a pop-charter in this era.

Rush: “The 95th element.”

Mike n Rachel in DC: 95th? They’re missing a few

Louise: Mantan in “You’re Out of Luck”

Louise: It’s a murder mystery

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: When my life is filmed, i want “My Heart Is Yours” transplanted, & transposed to suit my unique vocal range.

Louise: 1941

Rush: The 95th element: Americium, discovered in 1944

Godwinshelley2: Ah – isn’t that one of the Frankie Darro/Mantan Moreland films

Godwinshelley2: They made a whole series of films together

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Let’s compromise: Maybe the 95th-and-a-halfth element?

Louise: Yes GS. Do you know them?

Godwinshelley2: Yes – I probably have 6 or so of them

Rush: Here we learn of the murder gimmick…a hallmark of the Monogram series!

Mike n Rachel in DC: They got up to 106 pretty quickly…then added another 10 or so

Rush: SOLD…to Angel!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: ALL should be glad it’s not to be a rectal thermostat.

Mike n Rachel in DC: That is true Angel.

Godwinshelley2: Up in the air, Freckles somes home, law of the jungle – can’t remember them all

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: I HOPE a number is reserved for Tetragene.

Rush: Chatanooga is not giving up!

Mike n Rachel in DC: A for effort Rush

Rush: Gunshots…

HonoluLou: BANG

Louise: I have Frekles

Mike n Rachel in DC: <gunfight>

Rush: What if some innocent person was too near to one of the devices?

Mike n Rachel in DC: Yes, Rush. That was dangerous.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Ladies FORTUNATELY had not got styled for the New Look when this was made. There’s “waste” of material, and “excess”.

Rush: More going off!

Mike n Rachel in DC: Keen sense of deduction locates villain.

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: “Solo Empleados”. So if you’re a trio or something you can’t use those stairs?

Louise: Lotsa guns in this one

Rush: Shadow of the shooter.

HonoluLou: Those revolvers had lots of bullets!

Mike n Rachel in DC: I think the empleado is a much better solo instrument. πŸ™‚

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Bang bang, my baby shot me down. Now the babies shoot one up.

Rush: Canvas has never proven good at stopping bullets.

tenman: Ah the murderer is Thing

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: MnR: ABSOLUTAMENTE! The electric alto empleado is a real ripper. Can sweep a street.

HonoluLou: haha, Tenman.

Mike n Rachel in DC: lol 10man

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: The Addamses’ Thing never got a leg up.

HonoluLou: Shhhhhh, look out!

Rush: TM I missed it at first!

Rush: πŸ™‚

Mike n Rachel in DC: limp…limp

Godwinshelley2: Mike what is that horn?

Godwinshelley2: French horn?

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: (My intentions are WHOLLY apolitical): Joe Biden’s “You know, the Thing!” was just too late to help. Appreciated as i’m sure it was.

Rush: Close one!

Mike n Rachel in DC: It’s a French horn…a little woofy

Louise: Charlie pulls a leg

Rush: Nice work by CC!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: It’s an empleado. Yodelers in the reprise.

Mike n Rachel in DC: Yes, GS. Not great playing…or recording

Rush: πŸ™‚

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: OLD CROW!!

Godwinshelley2: It sounded muffled to me

Mike n Rachel in DC: Agreed…

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: The Chandrews Sisters!!

Louise: SMOOCH!

Rush: I do that, too, Mr. Chan!

HonoluLou: OMG! Poor Son #3.

Rush: Yep!

Rush: “Mother know best.”

Mike n Rachel in DC: Cute ending. Love abounds.

Rush: THE END….

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Those soloists are really coddled: bucket SOLO PARA FUEGOS. (Anybody ever hear The Del Fuegos? Boston band?)

Godwinshelley2: good deal there, Charlie

Rush: (Applause…)

Mike n Rachel in DC: <kids-yeah>

HonoluLou: A classic end!

Rush: Well….

Dona: <YAY>

Rush: Next week….

Matt1: <yee-haw>

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: Let’s ALL abound! Abound here next week, anyway! Enjoy same!!

tenman: Fun movie. They need more exotic nightclub scenes!


tenman: TYSM !!

Rush: A prison movie.

PaulM: ok Rush

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: I’ll bring my lawyer.

Mike n Rachel in DC: Are we are nearing the end of the “Tolers,” Rush

Rush: Yes, Angel!

Godwinshelley2: expect to be here next week – then it will be the internet-less Indiana for a couple weeks

Rush: Might come in handy!

Louise: I shall miss Toler

HonoluLou: Great visit. Best to all this week. Stay safe. Lou

Rush: I hope everyone had a fun night of Chan!

tenman has left this room

Matt1: Good night folks and hope you all have a great week

Rush: Take cafre, everyone!

scarlet angel w/ red fox!: DEAR FRIENDS, be happy & safe over Labor Day holiday! Hope to see ALL in THIS PAGODA next Monday!!

Louise: Fun night as always. Thanks all.

DanVenture: always fun for us Chan fans!

Godwinshelley2: Have a great (and safe) week, everyone

Mike n Rachel in DC: MnR will try…always great to see everyone. Take care!

Rush: Thank you ALL for this evening!

Dona: Thank you Rush! Great night?

Godwinshelley2: night

HonoluLou has left this room

DanVenture: Stay safe! Bye

Godwinshelley2 has left this room

Dona: !

Rush: Time speeds by in good company!

PaulM has left this room

Rush: And tonight was no exception!

Dona: Night all Thank you. See you all next week.

scarlet angel w/ red fox! has left this room

Mike n Rachel in DC has left this room

Matt1 has left this room

Louise has left this room

DanVenture has left this room

Rush: Be VERY happy, and VERY safe this week!

Rush: Good night!

Rush: Take care, Dona!

Rush: Stay cool this coming weekend!

Dona has left this room

Rush has left this room

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